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ApexSQL Propagate release notes




June 10, 2024


  • The "Failed to login. Internet connec􀆟on is required to con􀆟nue. Click Retry to try again" error is encountered on applica􀆟on start




May 12, 2022





November 02, 2020



  • 192709: The Edit database list window is empty when editing a list from the main application window
  • 192703: A list of SQL databases in the main application window is not updated properly if any database is checked/unchecked when using the Edit current project settings





March 19, 2020


  • The install confirmation message box appears when the /verysilent and /suppressmsgboxes options from CLI are used
  • Wrong warning results are shown under the Execution tab in the Results window when SQL script is executed successfully
  • "Could not find a part of the path" error is encountered when a SQL script is not loaded from the physical drive




September 03, 2019



  • Script in the used script list is erased when selecting the script and the script list before executing the script
  • "Cannot connect to Azure SQL Database. No mapping between account names and security IDs was done" message is shown when using Azure SQL Database and Active Directory - Integrated as an authentication method
  • "Error connecting to database" message is shown in the Results window when using Azure AD Password authentication
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when "Select database list to insert databases" dialog is shown
  • "Select scripts to execute" message is shown when the scripts are added to the currently loaded script list and Execute scripts against the SQL database is run
  • The name for the SQL script list is changed instead of the SQL script name when SQL script is added to the list and saved
  • Previously executed results are still shown in the Results window even after the New project is used




June 21, 2019





January 24, 2019


  • The scripts are executed in the list order, even if they are not all selected for executing or parsing
  • "Could not find a file" error is encountered when script file used for the script list is relocated
  • "Could not find a file" message is shown when using the Create new script button in the main application window
  • Missing information message when scripts are moved or deleted from the saved location and included in the executing or parsing process
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when editing existing database list and adding databases for the new project


  • The application now requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2




November 20, 2018



  • Scripts are executed in different order then the one specified in the Scripts panel when a couple of scripts are unchecked
  • The application deletes the SQL script content when parsing or executing the checked, but not selected script, after reopening the project file




April 26, 2018



  • The Edit database list window is closed when a database list was not previously loaded and the Save button is clicked
  • A script list name is not shown when the Save button is clicked after making changes in the loaded script list in the Edit script list window
  • The Refresh button in the Database deployment list removes the whole list of servers along with its databases
  • The number of servers is not changed in the status bar when databases are removed from the deployment list
  • The right-click context menu in the Execute and Parse results window doesn't disappear when clicked anywhere else
  • "Access to the path 'C:\Scripts\ScriptName.sql'" error is encountered when scripting files that are read-only
  • "To insert all scripts from a saved script list, load a script list to edit first" message is encountered when a script list is loaded in the Edit script list window, then the Open button is clicked, canceled, and then the Insert/Add button is clicked
  • Wrong execution results are exported into Text or CSV file when several executions are initiated one after the other
  • "Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\ApexSQL\ApexSQLPropagate\.axslf' is denied" error is encountered when the Save button is clicked in the Edit script list window without loading any script list
  • Databases with the same name from different servers cannot be added to the Database deployment list
  • The server node becomes unchecked once the Edit database list is opened
  • "Source element doesn't exist" error is encountered when the Options.xml file cannot be found
  • Wrong number of servers is shown in the status bar after loading a project file
  • The StoreEncryptedPassword tag in the project file contains the false value, even though the password was checked in the GUI to be encrypted
  • The last changed scripts are not loaded with edited script list
  • The new script list and database list can be created even when both lists are empty
  • "Non-negative number required" error is encountered when the Remove button is clicked to remove a server
  • Missing information about which script is being executed in the Progress bar
  • Program crash when a script is removed from a folder or deleted
  • The Execution info and Messages tabs in the Results panel are not shown along with the panel once it's shown
  • The application is not automatically closed upon finished update process which causes the installation process to be stopped
  • The Scripts and Results panels cannot be resized in the main application window
  • Incorrect number of servers is shown in the status bar after loading a project file
  • Buttons are permanently disabled in the Servers window until the application resolves all SQL Server instances
  • "All scripts will be saved before execution" message is encountered even if there were no changes in the scripts that should be executed
  • "Non-negative number required" error is encountered when all databases are removed from the right side of the Database list in the New project window
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when a database is added to an existing list using the Add button from the Home tab
  • The Results window shows status for script as succeeded even though the same scripts fails in SQL Server Management Studio when trying to insert null values into column that doesn't support null values
  • Scripts are shown as empty when the previously saved project file is loaded


  • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.1




September 25, 2017


  • After the first failed script execution that contains the update statement, all the following script executions will be shown as failed in the Results window, even the successful ones
  • Messages shown in the Execution info tab in the Results window are partial, user cannot see the whole message
  • Password for the selected SQL Server is not saved in the project file




June 20, 2017


  • "Access to the path 'local_path\ScriptName.sql' is denied" error is encountered when a read-only script file is executed
  • "Source element doesn't exist" error is encountered when loading a corrupted Layout.xml UI configuration file
  • "Index and count must refer to a location within the string" error is encountered on export script execution results to CSV file when the target database name also contains SQL Server instance name
  • Databases with the same name located on different servers cannot be added to the Database deployment list
  • When databases from more then one server are selected, there is no option to say which database belongs to which server in the Databases deployment list




December 13, 2016


  • Supports SQL Server 2005 and higher
  • Supports SQL Server on Amazon RDS
  • Supports Azure SQL Database
  • Execute SQL scripts on multiple servers and databases
  • Parse SQL scripts for errors before execution
  • Exports execution results into Text and CSV files
  • Creates SQL scripts in the application with integrated IDE
  • Manage database and SQL script lists
  • Combines and refactors SQL scripts between lists
  • GUI themes