The "Failed to login. Internet connecon is required to connue. Click
Retry to try again" error is
encountered on applicaon start
October 10, 2022
190975: Not all database objects in the main grid are visible when
clicking on the Collapse all/Expand all commands from the right-click context
menu of the main grid
190966: An empty column from an Excel sheet is being skipped and headers
are being shifted to the right causing invalid headers for other columns when
the file is used as the input source under the Format tab of the Manage
import process
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is
encountered when saving a project from the Projects menu and giving it a name
in the Save as dialog box
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is
encountered when the Process button is clicked in the Home tab
"Login failed for user ‘username’ error is encountered when
exporting data directly into another SQL database