The following data sources are supported: T-SQL script files, script folders, ApexSQL snapshot files and versioned scripts
The following package types can be created: T-SQL deployment scripts, C# projects (.sln files) and .net executables (.exe files)
Yes, just select the Create a new database or Update an existing database option
The following database properties can be customized: the path where a physical database (.mdf file) and transaction log files (.ldf files) are stored, collation, recovery model, compatibility mode and database size. Additionally, the Get database properties from input source button can retrieve and use properties defined in the input
Yes. You can select only the ones you want to create from the list of all objects
Yes. Even if you don’t select the child and parent objects for an object, they will be added. A list of dependent objects and references is shown in the preview step of the wizard
Yes. Add that script to the Add optional scripts step of the wizard. This script will be executed, but not added to the created script, C# project or .Net executable
Yes. Use the Consolidate scripts into a single script option
Yes. The order shown in the Order column will be used in a consolidated script. You can easily move the scripts up and down
Yes, if you want to. You can define the way for handling errors – abort the execution, ignore errors or ask for confirmation