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ApexSQL Build release notes




July 08, 2024


  • SQL Server 2022 tolerant support




June 10, 2024


  • The "Failed to login. Internet connec􀆟on is required to con􀆟nue. Click Retry to try again" error is encountered on applica􀆟on start
  • 224253: Building SQL database on Azure SQL Server is unsuccessful followed by the error dialog with the “'Server-Scoped Triggers' is not supported in this version of SQL Server” message.




October 10, 2022


  • 209522: "Partition column 'column_name' has data type data_type1_name which is different from the partition function 'partition_function_name' parameter data type data_type2_name" error is encountered when building a database where the partition function parameter and partition column have different data types
  • 206490: "Invalid partition scheme specified" error is encountered when trying to build database which contains partition schema
  • 211134: “You can only create a user with a password in a contained database" error is encountered when trying to create a contained database which is linked on the Git repository





April 12, 2021



  • 195016: Static data is not inserted into the newly created database when the Git repository is used as an input source
  • 195015: ''The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint'' error is encountered when inserting static data starts for the Git repository as an input source when using the CLI
  • 194830: ''Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format'' error is encountered when setting up the Subversion repository as an input source
  • 159087: "Could not load file or assembly" error is encountered when the Browse, Test, or Finish button is clicked in the Source control wizard for the Subversion source control repository
  • 179048: Static data is not being read from a database code hosted on the Azure DevOps server when setting up the Team Foundation Server repository as a source
  • 195139: ''TFS server has more than one collection. Specify concrete collection via URL'' error is encountered when building a database via CLI from Azure DevOps Server repository
  • 194973: ''Cannot connect this repository to '' error is encountered when using the CLI to build a database from the Mercurial source control repository
  • 121767: Neither schema nor data are created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the CLI
  • 127318: "StartIndex cannot be less than zero" error is encountered when applying source control options in the CLI and the Mercurial repository is used as the input source
  • 146791: "Cannot set local path %path%". "The path %path% is already mapped in workspace" error is encountered when the Team Foundation Server repository hosted on Azure DevOps Server is used as a source
  • 159657: "Make a sure correct username and password are specified" error is encountered when connecting to the Git source control repository hosted on Azure DevOps Server
  • 170336: "Make a sure correct username and password are specified" message is shown when the Git source control password is changed in the host and updated in the application connection configuration
  • 187455: Empty project is saved when the Save as button is clicked after the Finish button is clicked in the last step• 119403: The corresponding CLI switches are not shown in the Save as a batch window when the Consolidate scripts action is used
  • 118745: "The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint" error is encountered when inserting data from the Mercurial source control repository to a built database from the CLI
  • 127337: Missing the Insert into statements in the saved build script for inserting static data when a source control repository is used as a input source
  • 203849: Procedures that contain the With results sets command are not loaded in the Build objects step when using a script folder or source control as an input source
  • 203065: Default Filestream filegroups are incorrectly scripted without the Contains filestream clause during the build process
  • 198051: "Default FILESTREAM filegroup is not available in database" error is encountered when a build script including SQL tables with FILESTREAM is run
  • 187453: Partition schemas are incorrectly scripted as filegroups in the build process
  • 189904: Data compressed tables are incorrectly scripted as partitioned tables in the build process





July 30, 2020


  • The Error handling option under the Package tab in the Output options step is not saved when an executable installer is created
  • "Could not find file .dat" error is encountered when the Edit existing database option is used in a created executable installer and the Run button is clicked
  • "Parameter or variable has an invalid type" error is encountered when the building process is started using a scripts folder as the Input source
  • "Cannot find data type < table_name > " error is encountered when building a SQL database from a scripts folder
  • "Could not load file or assembly" error is encountered when linking to the Git repository hosted on Azure DevOps Services using URL





March 13, 2020


  • Custom filegroups are now created immediately after the database is created


  • "Object ApexSql.Common.ScriptMetadata.Internal.Enums.SqlTypes [sys].[TT_Tax_Delta_0] is ignored: object already exists" error is encountered when multiple data type objects with same name that belong to different schemas exist in a script folder
  • Generated build script does not contain statements to create data types when multiple data type objects with same name that belong to different schemas exist in a script folder
  • The install confirmation message box appears when the /verysilent and /suppressmsgboxes options from CLI are used




December 23, 2019



  • "Inserting static data completed" message is shown even after static data update execution failed when invalid static data scripts are used as source
  • SQL views are created before SQL queues when using the Build process and deploying directly into a SQL database




November 04, 2019



  • A role is created before a user in a build script when the sp_addrolemember system procedure is used with compatibility level SQL Server 2005 or 2008
  • The /script_filegroups switch is not working when it's used in the CLI execution
  • Dependencies are duplicated in the Preview step when the Previous button is clicked and then the Next button during the Build process
  • Missing Drop and Create statements in a generated build script for building n Azure SQL Database when the Drop if exists option is checked and the Azure DB compatibility mode option is set
  • Change of a build source with the CLI switches is not respected when project file is used for CLI execution
  • The Insert static data option is not working when saved in a project file and a source type is changed when it's used int the CLI execution
  • "Could not find file" error is encountered when building a SQL database from a script folder with static data included and build is executed in the CLI




June 21, 2019





February 07, 2019


  • "Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server" warning is shown when trying to connect to a server using SQL Server authentication
  • The Extend evaluation button does not open default e-mail client when clicked and the application is opened in the Community edition


  • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.2

Known limitations:

  • Neither schema nor data are created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the CLI
  • "StartIndex cannot be less than zero" error is encountered when applying source control options in the CLI when the Mercurial repository is used as the input source




December 10, 2018



  • The silent installer is stopped when the application needs to automatically download and install .NET Framework, even when the /verysilent switch is used
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error is encountered when any other branch is set, other than the master branch, when source control is set as input source for the Build or Update action

Known limitations:

  • Neither schema nor data are created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the CLI
  • "StartIndex cannot be less than zero" error is encountered when applying source control options in the CLI when the Mercurial repository is used as the input source




April 16, 2018


  • The Get by label option is not working for any of the source control systems and the Get latest option is always used to pull from the source control

Known limitations:

  • Neither schema nor data are created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the CLI
  • "StartIndex cannot be less than zero" error is encountered when applying source control options in the CLI when the Mercurial repository is used as the input source




February 27, 2018



  • "The path is not of a legal form" error is encountered if a valid path from Windows Explorer is copied into the Script Folder input box
  • The return code 0 is always shown, even when an issue is encountered during the application execution in the CLI
  • "Failed to compare two elements in the array" error is encountered when creating a new database from a snapshot
  • "The method or operation is not implemented" error is encountered when the Show patches option is checked in the ApexSQL Build available updates window
  • Compatibility mode has a default value SQL 2014, even when neither input nor the previously selected SQL Server includes SQL 2014
  • The saved batch file cannot be executed as each generated CLI switch is put in a new row
  • The build script cannot be created and saved through the CLI, if the output type is a database
  • The Build options and Optional output elements are not generated in the batch script as CLI switches, even though they were checked in the current project
  • If all input sources are defined, objects from a snapshot will be loaded even though another input source was selected for the build process
  • Missing the prompt message in the installation process that will provide information about older version presence and that it will be uninstalled
  • "Bad format of switch: sourcecontrol_type" error is encountered when executing a batch script created from the GUI, when the input source is a Team Foundation Server repository
  • The application path disappears in the Save as batch window, when the Output type is changed
  • The checked option to save a copy of the build script is not generated as the CLI switch when the Save as batch button is clicked
  • "Could not load file or assembly 'NGit" error is encountered when the source control system information are set for the Git repository and then switched to any other source control system
  • "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" error is encountered when the Finish button is clicked in the last step of the Consolidate wizard
  • The /verbose and /force CLI switches are duplicated in the Save as batch window when the project file is saved or opened
  • The ansi_padding is set to off when building a database from a source control repository, where it was set to on
  • The CLI switch for the Compatibility mode option is not generated in the batch script, when the Save as batch window is initiated
  • The value set for the Compatibility mode option is not saved and default value is used in the Database options window that's initiated from the Save as batch window
  • "None of the targets are working copies" error is encountered when corresponding project structure is not in the root folder of the Subversion source control repository
  • Incomplete name and incorrect version for SQL Server Management Studio is shown in the Editor field under the Output options step
  • "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\ApexSQL\ApexSQL Build\FileName.sql'" error is encountered the wrong/non-existing path is entered for the Script input source
  • "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" error is encountered when choosing not to overwrite the existing build script
  • "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created" error is encountered when the Next button is clicked in the Preview step, when a script file is chosen as input source and a database as an output
  • "Source control error: Get by label failed with a message 'None of the targets are working copies'" error is encountered when building a database using the Subversion source control repository as an input in the CLI
  • The Recent project list is empty, even after saving several projects
  • The /sourcecontrol_branch switch is not shown in the Save as batch window when the Git or Mercurial source control repository is chosen as input source
  • The silent installation/update process is interrupted by a Setup installation prompt and is no longer automated
  • The /database CLI switch was generated without the database name in the batch script, when the Save as batch button is clicked at the end of the Update database wizard
  • The database is not dropped, when the /drop_if_exists switch is used in the CLI
  • The license file disappears when virtual machine is stopped and then run on Amazon AWS
  • The application repeatedly asks for the activation key when it is started on an Amazon EC2 instance after the virtual machine resources were deallocated and allocated again
  • The /out switch is added after the @echo part in the Batch script when the Redirect console output to file option is checked
  • "An error occurred while connecting to the source control server https://Server:111/svn/Name//$" error is encountered when the generated batch script is executed and the Subversion source control repository is used as an input source
  • The workspace set in the Source control wizard for the Perforce source control repository is not generated under the /sourcecontrol_project CLI switch, under the Save as batch window
  • "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" error is encountered when building a database from an empty Subversion source control repository
  • The Build or Update process can be proceeded after the Connect to SQL Server step and to get execution results, even though the connection to SQL Server is not established
  • "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created" error is encountered when the Next button is clicked in the Preview step during building of a database from a snapshot file
  • DefaultDb database name is shown in the Update objects step, even though a different database is chosen for the update process
  • The and names are not loaded in the Status bar when the server and database are chosen during the Update database process
  • Specified names for the output files in the Save as batch window are not saved in the Batch script
  • Static data are not created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the GUI
  • Errors are shown in the GUI and CLI execution when the Drop if exists option/switch is used for existing database when building a database from any input source
  • "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\...\Tables\StaticData\dbo.TableName[Data].zip'." error is encountered when inserting data from Team Foundation Server repository in the CLI
  • Static data are not created when building a database from the Team Foundation Server source control repository from the GUI
  • Static data is not shown in the Build wizard, if the current project is edited and a source control repository is chosen as in input source
  • SQL Server Management Studio will be used as editor when opening build or update script, even if the integrated editor is chosen as default editor


  • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.1
  • The application has been split into three editions:
    • Community
    • Standard
    • Professional
  • New light, blue and dark themes are now available
  • SQL Server 2017 version is added in the Compatibility mode drop-down list under the Database options step
  • Header options under the Script tab in the Options window are now unchecked by default
  • The Comments and Print statements options under the Script tab in the Options window are now checked by default

Known limitations:

  • Neither schema nor data are created when building a database from the Subversion source control repository from the CLI
  • "StartIndex cannot be less than zero" error is encountered when applying source control options in the CLI when the Mercurial repository is used as the input source




May 15, 2017


  • Export database into:
    • Script folder
    • Snapshot
    • Source control
  • Save project as batch file
  • Support for SQL Server 2017 CTP 2
  • Support for SQL Server on Amazon RDS
  • Full support for Azure SQL Database
  • Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 C# solution and executable installer output
  • GUI themes:
    • White
    • Colorful
    • Dark
  • CLI switches:
    • Package options
      • Compression [/pkcm]
      • Error handling [/pke]
      • Author [/pcaa]
      • Company [/pkco]
      • Legal [/pkal]
      • Comments [/pkac]
      • Visual studio version [/vsv]
      • Create manifest file [/cmf]
      • Create script file [/cdf]
      • Create CLI file [/ccf]


  • “Cannot drop user defined type ‘object_name’ because it is being referenced by ‘object_name’” error is encountered when updating an existing database which contains SQL user-defined data types
  • Objects from a wrong database will be shown in the Build objects step when two databases are linked to the same source control repository in separate folders
  • “Script execution failed” error is encountered after clicking the Finish button in the Consolidate scripts wizard
  • Grid in the Post deployment script step appears to be empty when backtracking through the wizard and it doesn’t allow adding scripts which were previously added
  • “Error 1934, Severity 16, Line 2522 (at line 51 within procedure 'ApexSQL_SourceControl_DDLTrigger') SELECT failed...” error is encountered when creating a new database from a snapshot that contains the mentioned trigger after the Finish button is clicked


  • The Automatically check for updates on application startup option is now checked by default




March 09, 2017


  • The “Include static data” option in the Options tab and in the Static data preview step in the wizard
  • CLI switches:
    • Connection options:
      • Server [/s]
      • Database [/d]
      • User [/u]
      • Password [/p]
    • Script options:
      • Script drops [/sdr]
      • Script filegroups [/sfg]
      • Script logins [/slg]
      • Script names [/snm]
      • Script collation [/sc]
      • Script ANSI options [/sao]
      • Script triggers [/str]
      • Script permissions [/sp]
      • Script extended properties [/sep]
      • Script use [/su]
      • Include transaction [/ith]
      • Comments [/cm]
      • Print statements [/ps]
      • Database script [/ds]
      • Database script type [/dst]
      • Drop if exist [/die]
      • Output script [/os]
    • Specific options:
      • Project type [/pt]
      • Output type [/ot]
      • Output name [/on]
      • Source type [/st]
      • Source name [/sn]
      • Output action type [/oat]
      • Include static data [/isd]
      • Invalid objects [/io]
      • Compatibility level [/cl]
      • Postscript file path [/postfp]
    • Source control options:
      • Source control user [/scr]
      • Source control password [/scp]
      • Source control server [/scs]
      • Source control repository [/scr]
      • Source control branch [/scb]
      • Source control project [/scj]
      • Source control label [/scl]
      • Source control folder [/scf]
    • Create database options:
      • Database directory [/dbd]
      • Database log directory [/dbld]
      • Database collation [/dbc]
      • Database recovery mode [/dbrv]
      • Database size [/dbs]
    • Help to HTML [/hth]
    • Silent [/slt]
    • Play sound upon finished operation [/be]
    • Logging level [/log]:
      • Errors
      • Warnings
      • All
      • None
    • Return error codes [/rc]
  • CLI return error codes:
    • Invalid switch [2]
    • Duplicated switch [3]
    • Missing argument [5]
    • Missing a dependent switch [6]
    • Value out of range [8]
    • Invalid file path [9]
    • Invalid project file [10]
    • Unsupported edition [11]
    • Invalid activation key [12]
    • Trial has expired [13]
    • Connection timeout [14]
    • Connection failed [15]
    • Operation cancelled [17]
    • Application error [18]
    • Execution error [19]
    • Execution timeout [20]
    • Insufficient permissions [21]


  • "'Create view' must be the first statement in a query batch" error is encountered when scripts are consolidated and run using the executable installer
  • "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" error is encountered when moving the script up in the list, reversing the order of the files, and then moving the same script up again
  • "The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists" message is encountered in the Script execution results window while creating database from a source control repository
  • The Get database properties from input source option in the Connect to SQL Server dialog only retrieves the collation information when building a database from a script file or when creating an executable installer from a script file
  • "Repository path is not empty. Link to empty repository or use the one created by ApexSQL Source Control" message is encountered when the Finish or Test button is clicked in the Source control wizard for existing Git repository
  • The Get database properties from input source button is missing when building a database from the source control repository
  • “Execution error: Error 1934, Severity 16, Line 10 (at line 51 within procedure 'ApexSQL_SourceControl_DDLTrigger')” error is encountered when trying to create a database when the ansi_padding is enabled
  • "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error message is encountered when building a database using a project file in CLI
  • Password for connecting to SQL Server is not saved in the project file
  • When using the “script drops” option SQL user guest cannot be dropped
  • "The TFS project ’project name’ is not found" error is encountered when executing project file from the CLI which uses TFS server as an input type
  • When database name is changed in the Database options window it is not saved in the project file
  • "Script execution failed" error is encountered when trying to consolidate scripts after the Finish step
  • "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\ApexSQLBuild\SourceControl\’project name’’" error is encountered while reloading the script folder for Team Foundation Server
  • "An error occurred while connecting to the source control server... TCP connect to local:1666 failed. No such host is known." error is encountered when using individual CLI switches to build a database from a Perforce source control server
  • "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stream" error is encountered when running executable installer
  • "Database does not exist" error is encountered when updating an existing database using a project file via CLI
  • The "Update an existing database" functionality does not create working update script
  • When updating an existing database all SQL database objects will be shown in the Dependencies tab even if only one object, which has no dependencies, is checked for updating


  • Execute multiple scripts on multiple databases functionality is now only available in ApexSQL Propagate
  • Switch [/pf] is renamed to [/pr]




December 22, 2015


  • SQL Server 2016 CTP3 support
  • /dn CLI switch for recognition of invalid referenced objects


  • The application creates additional files, when deploying a database with an executable installer
  • The Connection manager appears after the Open script in editor option is selected for building the SQL script output file
  • Unsupported SQL Server 2000 version is allowed to be selected after clicking the Get database properties from input source button for specific Script folder as the source
  • Missing compatibility for SQL Server 2005 will cause specific errors in the output script
  • Missing a button to Remove server from the Database deployment list
  • Local servers are not displayed in the Browse for servers window
  • "An error occurred while compiling" error is encountered when a wrong path is entered for the project file in the CLI


  • The application now requires Microsoft .NET framework 4.5
  • Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported




July 31, 2015


  • Base CLI support for executing project files: /project or /pf - specifies the path of the project file


  • After uninstallation certain files and folders remained in Program Files
  • The application cannot process data if Get by label is selected
  • Redundant folders are created in the following location: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL
  • Wrong version in the name of the folder in the following location: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\ApexSQL
  • The application does not have "any CPU" configuration
  • "Could not load file or assembly" error is encountered when the Finish button is clicked while setting up the Git project
  • "Sequence contains no matching element" error is encountered when retrieving files from the Mercurial source control project
  • "Source control error: GetByLabel failed with message 'Message: Could not find label 'label1' for '$/DatabaseSettings.xml''" error is encountered when a label is chosen for the Subversion source control project
  • "Source control error: 'Sync' operation failed with message: 'Invalid changelist/client/label/date '@..." error is encountered when a label is chosen for the Perforce source control project
  • "Source control error: 'Sync' operation failed with message: 'Invalid changelist/client/label/date '@..." error is encountered when the project is edited and another label is chosen for the Perforce source control project and compared
  • The close button in the deployment wizard doesn't offer to save the project file after it is clicked
  • The application stops working when inserting wrong credentials in SVN
  • "Connection was failed with message: "The type initializer for N'Git threw an exception"" when trying to connect to Git
  • The application cannot connect to a project file in SVN

Known issues:

  • Missing a compatibility for SQL Server 2005 will cause specific errors in the output script




April 23, 2015


  • Support for Azure SQL Database V12
  • Full support for Mercurial source control system
  • Full support for Perforce source control system


  • Missing expand/collapse tooltips in the Action summaries step of wizard
  • "Parse error: Error : [Incorrect syntax near 'FROM'] at [position: X, line: Y, column: Z]" error is encountered when scripting ASSEMBLY with binary value
  • Multiple errors are reported when executing script created from a Script folder or a Snapshot
  • Specific stored procedure is not scripted well when building from a Script folder or a Snapshot
  • The application does not recognize the creation of multiple objects via incremental WHILE loop
  • The source control credentials are not remembered during the one or multiple sessions while working with the application
  • "System.InvalidOperationException" error is ecountered when trying to connect to the Perforce source control system
  • An opened project does not appear in the "Recent projects" list, unless its executed
  • The "Recent projects" list becomes empty after application is updated
  • Missing icons for databases in the "Execution results" pane, after executing scripts on multiple databases
  • Missing tooltips for all buttons in the "Execute scripts" window
  • Inconsistent behavior of Apply changes options button
  • The scroll bar at "The following error were detected while parsing source scripts" step is never positioned at beginning
  • Small buttons in the "Execute scripts" window are user unfriendly and they need names or tooltips about their function
  • Nonstandard behavior of the "Execute scripts" window while minimizing it
  • Missing borders for the opened tab names inside "Execute scripts" window
  • The incorrect release notes are shown when prompted with the "ApexSQL automatic update service" window
  • The generated script has no columns defined for the clustered primary key
  • Mismatch between the object name and the file name when source is set to Team Foundation Server and the destination is a database
  • The "Script permissions" option in the "Options" tab is cut off


  • Support for SourceGear Vault source control system has been deprecated
  • Support for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe source control system has been deprecated
  • Support for MSSCCI-compliant source control systems have been deprecated




September 12, 2014


  • The application now fully supports Git up to version 1.9.4


  • The SQL Server authentication is offered by default, unlike in other applications, when adding a new SQL Server instance to deployment list
  • Incorrect form of login process in the "Edit database deployment list" section
  • Value greater than 100 cannot be utilized when setting version for built script
  • In the "Internal script editor" section there is no option "Check for syntax"
  • The IF statement specified in the script is completely ignored when the application builds a new script
  • Changing the "Output action" value resets the "File path" value in the "Save script" section
  • The "Advanced <<" button resets check boxes
  • A database name cannot be changed when building a database from the multiple scripts
  • The "System. ArgumentException" error is encountered when trying to add all scripts from the folder


  • Improved user interface that follows Metro UI style




June 25, 2014


  • The application now fully supports SQL Server 2014
  • The application now fully supports Apache Subversion up to version 1.8.9
  • The application now supports Team Foundation Server 2013


  • Unnecessary warning message after closing an empty project
  • The Script wizard closes after choosing the non-installed SQL Server version
  • The "ApexSQL Error 404 - page not found" error is encountered when initiating help from the application
  • The "Error/Warning list" dialog does not have a vertical scroll
  • Invalid link for the "Help" button in the "Execute scripts on multiple databases" window
  • Invalid link for the "Help" button in the "Resources" tab
  • The "Other" output options are not editable
  • The "?" button for the help leads to the "Not found" page
  • The "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error is encountered during the order manipulation in the "Add SQL script files to the package" dialog
  • The "Enter a valid xyz file" dialog is displayed when canceling a project
  • Redundant application name in the warning dialog "ApexSQL Build - ApexSQL Build Do you want to save project before exiting?"
  • Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 are not offered when selecting the project file format during the package build for C#
  • Stepping back through the "Build" wizard does not reset the "abandoned" steps
  • The "Refresh" and "Execute" buttons are disabled by default in the internal editor
  • The "The page is not redirecting properly" error is encountered when initiating help from the internal editor


  • New user interface that follows Metro UI style




December 06, 2013


  • The application now supports Team Foundation Server 2013
  • The application is now FIPS compliant


  • Script containing the USE <database> statement and all scripts after that are executed on the database defined in the USE statement instead on the selected database
  • Clicking on the Cancel button is not canceling the build script creation
  • The default database name is always used when creating an update script
  • When adding optional scripts all files are shown instead of just SQL scripts although the filter is set only to sql files
  • The "Add Optional Scripts" option dialog is titled wrong
  • Default options are not applied when clicking the 'Defaults' button in the 'Scripting options' dialog
  • Default settings are still applied when clicking the 'Defaults' button and then the 'Cancel' button in the 'Options' dialog
  • The action titles 'Create a new database', 'Update an existing database' and 'Other' in the main window are clickable
  • Inconsistent title fonts in similar menus between different applications
  • The 'Clear unpinned items' command in the 'Recent projects' section does not clear the list of projects from the main grid
  • Grammar error on the 'Resources' tab
  • Automatic check status change of the databases checkbox in the 'Deployment Database List' window under the 'Execute Scripts' dialog is not indicating properly
  • The application is continuing to process when the 'Save a copy of script' options is checked but path is left blank in the 'Output options' section under the 'General' tab
  • The "Please enter valid directory for backup" error is encountered when the 'Use Default Backup Directory' option is selected in the 'Output options' page
  • Visual inconsistencies are noticeable in various dialogs if the 120 DPI font size is used
  • Objects dependencies analysis process terminates without stating the problematic object if script parsing is failed due to a syntax error
  • The Check connections button in the Execute scripts dialog is not functional if no database is checked
  • The Refresh button is not working when adding databases to the deployment list in the 'Edit Database Deployment List' dialog
  • The progress dialog window for executing scripts remains with the 'Running' status in the title when the process is complete
  • Only a single script can be selected for 'Add SQL script files to the package' page of the 'Package scripts' dialog
  • There is no option to exclude header in the resulting script
  • The warning that valid Source control settings must be entered is displayed when using the Source Control option, before the 'Save project' dialog is displayed
  • The 'Execute script' project cannot be saved, only the script list
  • The 'Build a deployment script', the 'Build and package deployment script into C# project' and the 'Build and package a deployment script into .NET executable file' dialogs are identical
  • If selected, the 'On error' option is ignored when executing scripts
  • The Execute Script dialog does not minimize to taskbar
  • The 'Script USE for databases' option under the 'Scripting options' tab in the Options dialog is not marked blue as a default option
  • The 'Action summaries' pane is not updated after scripting options are modified
  • There is no warning if a target database already exists when executing deployment script if the 'Build a deployment script' option is used
  • Full-Text Search dependent objects cannot be deployed via .NET executable file
  • There is no warning if a .sql file already exists when using the 'Save a copy of script' option in the 'Output options' page of the Build new database dialog
  • The 'Script filegroups' setting doesn't result with custom filegroups deployed in the target database
  • Logins cannot be deployed using .NET executable packages
  • It is not possible to choose if the .sql scripts will be loaded only from the selected folder or from all folders recursively when using the Script file as an input source
  • The "CREATE INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'" error is encountered when deploying a specific SQL Server 2000 database
  • Scripts are removed without any confirmation from the 'Add optional scripts that will be executed after the database is created' dialog
  • The 'Deployment database list' window items are not selected/deselected with the first Space tab press
  • The removing script command is not properly named in the Execute Script dialog
  • The application fails to create extended properties for database triggers when creating the .NET executable file
  • The "System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException" error is encountered when using the 'Consolidate scripts into a single script' option and one of the selected files is missing
  • There is no option to select several scripts at once for removal from the 'Scripts' list in the 'Execute scripts' dialog
  • Information about datasource used in all "Update" projects is missing in the 'Project management' dialog
  • Skipped scripts are counted as failed when using the 'On Error: Stop executing' option in the 'Execute scripts' dialog
  • The process status is not updated in the Project Management dialog for executed projects
  • The application fails to deploy full-text indexes properly
  • The application doesn't retrieve object names properly
  • The FROM field is empty for ASSEMBLY scripting in deploying script
  • Font spacing in label names in the Main window is irregular
  • Database update via .NET package freezes and must be terminated manually because the 'Cancel' button doesn't respond
  • The application cannot create a database from a specific script
  • The copyright 'ApexSQL LLC' label is missing in the properties window of the applications .exe file in the details tab
  • The 'Get database properties from input source' option reverts the created database name to default
  • The 'Select at least one object to include in the build' warning message is shown when clicking on the 'Back' button in the 'Select at least one object to include in the build creation' step
  • There is no Save dialog when canceling or exiting a project
  • Incorrect link leads to the nonexistent page when clicking on the help icon in the 'Connect to SQL Server' dialog
  • The application can be uninstalled while it is running
  • The 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error is encountered when attempting to reload a script folder with Unicode characters
  • In the 'Edit Database Deployment List' window databases can be added one by one only
  • A .NET executable created to update an existing database cannot be successfully executed, since SQL column attributes cannot be created and SQL users cannot be mapped to SQL logins




June 06, 2012


  • Builds new or updates existing databases creating deployment SQL scripts, C# packages or .NET executables
  • Creates deployment scripts, packages and executables from SQL scripts, script folders, snapshots or source control
  • Consolidates multiple scripts into a single SQL script, C# package or .NET executable
  • Executes SQL scripts against multiple databases
  • Allows specifying the database object to be created or updated
  • Allows packaging of custom SQL scripts to be executed post-deployment
  • Recognizes and accurately processes all objects - interdependencies
  • Rearranges SQL scripts' statements to ensure their execution in the proper dependency order
  • Supports encrypted objects
  • Supports SQL Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005